Spring Bucket List


top // skirt // heels // similar earrings // purse 

Happy Monday Loves! 

As I write this, it is 6:00 in the morning and we are on our way home from Austin. Thank the good Lord for Hotspots-lol. We were supposed to come home yesterday but decided to stay the night after a full day of SXSW shenanigans… so here we are.

I feel like we keep doing this but we’re young and were having fun, so oh well! 

It’s also officially Day Light Savings Time which is my favorite time of the year. I love having more sunlight and longer days. It gives you more time to enjoy yourself before it gets dark.  I’m definitely more of a day person anyways! There is nothing I hated more than getting home from work and it already being dark outside. 

Since we’re well into Spring, I figured it was time to share my Spring Bucket List! A few of these I have already done, others I am looking forward and the rest I am hoping we get to do! 

  1. Travel someplace sunny and bright! Hello LA!
  2. Go to the Houston Rodeo and Cookoff. 
  3. Have an afternoon picnic before it gets too hot outside. 
  4. Crawfish on a Saturday. 
  5. Experience SXSW for the first time. 
  6. Rent Bikes at Buffalo Bayou. 
  7. Go to at least one concert at Cynthia Woods Pavillion. Right now Jack Johnson is high on my list! 
  8. Attend my first Reward Style (Liketoknowit) Conference in April. 
  9. Host my very first LifetoLauren Meet Up! (More info on this coming soon!
  10. Then I’m not sure if May counts as spring (I think it does) but the one I’m looking forward to the most is finally getting to marry Colton! May 19th could not be here fast enough!!:)

What are you guys looking the most forward to this spring? 

Have a great week! 




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  1. Antonia wrote:

    Love this outfit! I can barely walk in heels, so I would pair the two-piece with white sneakers. Loving the statement earrings!

    Posted 3.12.18
  2. Hilery wrote:

    Josh and I got tickets to Jack Johnson! We jumped on those the day they went on sale. He never tours in the states and we’ve been dying to get tickets. We considered honeymooning in Hawaii if he would’ve been there at the time, just for the sole fact of catching a show, but he was in Europe! I’m so excited to finally see him!!

    Posted 3.12.18
  3. Bianca wrote:

    Love your list!! #inspo. Also, I’m happy to hear you’ll have a meet up! I feel like we have commonalities and I love your blog!

    Posted 3.13.18
    • LifetoLauren wrote:

      Yes!! I will give more details about it soon!

      Posted 3.13.18
  4. briana wrote:

    oh my goodness this sounds so fun! i had no idea there was a rewardstyle conference coming up!


    Posted 3.16.18

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