Friday Frills


similar top // skort ($52) // heels // purse // earrings // lipstick // sunglasses

Hello Hello! Happy Friday Cuties!!

I hope you all had an easy going week! I don’t know why, but I feel like this week totally flew by. Maybe it’s because we’re leaving for Florida this weekend, so I’ve been excited, but either way – it was a fast week for us! I was supposed to do a whole post on what I’ll be packing for our vacation but like half (more like all) of my stuff hasn’t come in yet…. and I don’t want to post something as a suggestion for you guys and then it come in and me actually hate it….

So I am just going to have to save it for next week!

Sound good? Cool beans!

I do have some exciting family news though!!!  My Mom, (after almost 10 months) finally moved back into her house on Wednesday after being flooded during Harvey. I am so happy for her it’s not even funny. During this whole time, she has been living in their travel RV at my Step Dads office (& yes, we of course asked them to stay with us multiple times but declined) yet she did not complain or look for any pitty once. Of course, she had her moments (wouldn’t we all), but she was just so strong and it was incredibly admirable to see.

Plus, the house looks absolutely beautiful!! I’m going to have to photograph it and do a whole post on it for you guin incase anyone out there is doing home renovations of their own!


I wore this look to lunch with my sweet friend Dede at Bloom & Bee in the new Post Oak Hotel! I hadn’t seen her in what felt like forever, so it was so good to catch up! Plus, the restaurant was really cute!!! I always love when Houston gets new trendy places! We didn’t think to make reservations and had to sit outside on the patio but honestly, it wasn’t bad at all. It was shaded, they had a ton of fans and it almost felt almost like they had a cooling system too.

I had just gotten this skort in, so I was excited to have something to immediately wear it too. The pinky kind of salmon color is perfect for summer and I absolutely love the fact that it’s a skort. I don’t know why, but skirts sometimes makes me feel uncomfortable and self conscious. Why this is, I have no idea but they just do! So I love that this has the look of a skirt, but with shorts! It’s like a dress with pockets – lol. Plus, this skort was only $52 (!!) so I was like, “yes please“! It also comes in white and black but I just loved the salmon colored pink on this one.

Also, these cork sandals have been my absolute favorite this summer! They are just like my Steven Madden ones I wear all the time, but are just a little bit of a nicer quality and are made of cork, which I love for the summer time!


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Friday Frills

  • If you’re looking for a new book to read this summer, check out my summer reading list! 
  • I’ve gotten a ton of DM’s about my new phone case. It’s from The Daily Edit and you can find it here! I have my new initials on it!:)
  • I shared “What I Eat In A Day” on Wednesday – which was way over due!
  • I’ve been getting a lot of messages on places to eat & drink in Houston, so I updated my Houston Guide. I’ll try and be better at updating it!
  • I went roller skating last night with a bunch of my Houston blogger girls and it was seriously so fun! Took me right back to elementary.
  • If you missed last weeks post, I shared pictures from my Bridal Brunch.
  • You can check out my whole Jamaica post here! 
  • Last but not least, most requested post from you guys this week was swimsuit suggestions! I don’t know when I’ll be able to fit in a whole post, so included by Top Favorite 25 Swimsuits as of right now below! As you’ll notice, I have a little bit of a trend! I like my swimsuits to be comfortable and I love all swimsuits that are high waisted! Thank goodness low rise, barely there bikinis are out and the 80’s are back. SO MUCH MORE FLATTERING!

Top 25 Favorite Swimsuits 2018

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Have a great weekend!





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  1. briana wrote:

    that skirt is so stinking cute on you!


    Posted 6.15.18

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