My Favorite Fall Staple Wardrobe Pieces

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Welcome Back!

If there is one thing that I can admit has changed about me over the years, it’s that Ive become a true outfit repeater.

For the majority of my twenties though (and definitely all of my teenage years) , I wouldn’t have been caught dead wearing the same thing twice. I genuinely thought I needed a brand new outfit every time I stepped outside the house. Which is crazy to think about because now I couldn’t care less… but at the time it was very important.

Especially when I started blogging and the rise of “try on sessions” took over. The pressure to keep up and always have the newest greatest thing was exhausting. I just remember at one point feeling so disgusted with the amount of overconsumption I was participating in.

I mean, the boxes (and boxes) of clothes I have stacked in my garage right now, filled with items I’ve only worn once…. some not even at all…it’s ridiculous.

Which is why over the last few years I’ve been actively purging my closet and focusing on building more of a capsule wardrobe for myself. A closet filled with quality staple pieces that I can easily mix & match with one another and wear time and time again.

Classics wardrobe essentials that will never go out of style. That’s the goal.

Does this mean I’m against trendy items? Absolutely not! It just means that I pick and choose wisely each season, which trends I want to partake in and tend to lean more towards trendy items that also fall into the “timeless” category.

While I’m sure this recent change of heart has a lot to do with age and maturity (aka entering my 30’s) I’m all for it and can say that I’m genuinely happy with my wardrobe. I rarely have that “I have nothing to wear” feeling… and that’s really nice!

Anyways, long story short, that’s the reason I put together this list of clothing for y’all! A list of all my favorite pieces that I am constantly reaching for and have made great additions to my closet.

In order to shop, all you should have to do is hover over the item you’d like and click on it. This should take you directly take you to the retailers page but if it doesn’t work for whatever reason, please let me know in the comments section below! Also, if you have any questions on fit/sizing, leave those in the comments section as well.

Until next time!
